Furniture industry
Different types of glass, mirrors used in modern furniture result in achieving very stylish and beautiful look combining different styles. Glass shelving lit by LED lighting, frameless glass doors with different patterns imprinted on it, or furniture made entirely out of glass – the potential is amazing.

Street furniture
Urban space is a great challenge for anyone trying to implement changes and at the same time retain the atmosphere and the character of a given place. Etched glass or coloured glass became a great mean of uniting modern technology with tradition and classic style. Thanks to glass and the possibilities that come with it our cities become beautiful and modern without losing its character.

Construction industry
The construction industry frequently uses toughened glass. Cut to size, coloured or etched is very durable and improves the aesthetic aspect of the building. Toughened glass suppliers are able to offer products of the highest possible quality for extremely large number of applications and places.

Interior design
Laminated glass and its various forms, as well as possibilities offered by its use, gave interior designers a great chance to create completely new projects, unique in its form and atmosphere. Talented designer is able to employ and multiply the effects of using cheap LED lighting with i.e. large mirrors – the effects of such a combination are often breathtaking.

Privacy policy and cookies
General provisions
§ 1.
- The privacy policy and cookies policy of (hereinafter: „Policy”) is drafted and accepted by URBAŃSKI Producent Szkła Hartowanego.
- The terms used in the Policy are defined as follows:
- Website: the website of;
- User: the individual using the publicly assessable Website;
- Owner: URBAŃSKI Producent Szkła Hartowanego, ul. Krasickiego 11, 62-050 Mosina, NIP (taxpayer identification no.): 7771365068;
- Cookies: test files uploaded by the Website to and saved on the end device of the User used to browse the internet. The files include information required for proper operation of the Website. Cookies usually contain the domain of the website of origin, storage time on the end device, and number;
- The objectives of the Policy include the following:
- providing Users with information on the Website’s use of Cookies required by provisions of the law, including of the Telecommunications Law;
- protecting User privacy in scope of the appropriate standards and requirements specified in effective provisions of the law.
- The owner restricts collection and use of User information to the minimum required for providing services to said Users.
- The terms of the Policy must be accepted in order to gain full access to the content and services offered by the Owner through the Website.
- The following provisions of the law are applied:
- the Telecommunications Law of 16 July 2004 (Journal of Laws 2017.1907, consolidated text, as amended);
- the Electronic Services Law of 18 July 2002 (Dz. U. 2017.1219, consolidated text, as amended);
- Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation) (OJ L 119 of 4.5.2016) and polish provisions on personal data protection.
Privacy and personal data protection
§ 2.
- The Owner processes User data in accordance with provisions of the law. The personal data of Users obtained by the Owner is processed under consent of the User or other premise authorising legal data processing, specifically the Regulation.
- The owner takes due care in order to protect the interests of data holders, specifically to ensure that said data is:
- processed in accordance with the law, legitimately, transparently for Clients and other data holders;
- collected for specific, clear, and legally justified purposes and not processed further in violation of said objectives;
- adequate, appropriate, and restricted to the processing purposes;
- correct and, in required, updated;
- stored in format allowing for identification of the holder for a period not longer than required for processing purposes;
- processed in a way ensuring appropriate personal data safety, including protection from unauthorised or illegal processing and accidental loss, destruction, or damage, with appropriate technological or organisational measures,
- The Owner applies appropriate technological and organisational measures to ensure protection of the processed personal data adequate to processing nature, range, and objectives and the risk of violation of said rights or freedom of natural persons.
- The Owner strives to ensure systematic innovation of the used computer, technological, and organisational protection measures for said data. Specifically, the Owner ensures updates of computer security measures providing protection from viruses, unauthorised access, and other hazards stemming from the operations of computer system and telecommunications networks.
- The Owner provides all Users who provided their personal data in any way to the Owner with access to their data and data holders with execution of other rights in accordance with appropriate effective provisions of the law. Specifically, said individuals are authorised to:
- retract consent to personal data processing;
- information concerning personal data;
- control data processing, including to complete, update, correct, and remove said data;
- object towards processing or processing restriction;
- file complaints to the supervisory authority and take advantage of other legal measures to protect their personal rights.
- The Owner may process the personal data automatically, including through profiling, under the standards resulting from the Regulation. In such instances, the activity of the Owner focuses on marketing objectives or the need to personalise the messages sent to Users (including customisation of the information to User needs or expectations). The User is authorised to object to such processing of the User’s data – said objection can be expressed in a message sent to the Owner’s address:
- The individual with access to personal data processed it only as authorised by the Owner of personal data processing entrustment agreement and only upon request of the Owner.
§ 3.
- Cookies identify the User, which allows for customisation of the website content to individual needs. Saving of the User’s preferences allows for provision of customised content, including advertisements. The owner uses Cookies to ensure an appropriate convenience standard of the Website and the collected data is used only internally for optimisation purposes.
- Cookies are used for the following purposes:
- adaptation of the Website’s pages to User preferences;
- optimisation of Website use; specifically by detecting User’s end device,
- creation of statistics,
- preservation of the User’s session,
- providing advertising content to the User.
- Cookies can be saved on the Website User’s end device.
- The gathered data is used for monitoring purposes in order to check how Users use the Website in order to improve Website operation by ensuring more efficient and problem-free navigation.
- In certain cases beyond the control of the Owner, the internet browsing software installed by the User on the end device (e.g. browser) introduces default settings for Cookies storage on the User’s end device. The Users can change the Cookies settings at any time. The configuration can be set to block automatic Cookies settings or inform of every instance of Cookies being saved on the User’s end device. For detailed information in this matter, see the settings and instructions of the software (browser).
- The User can turn off or restore cookies saving at any time my entering appropriate changes to browser configuration.
- Changing the configuration constitutes an objection, which in the future may produce problems in use of the Website. Cookies turned off completely do not prevent browsing of the Website content with reservation of content requiring the User to sign in.
- If no changes are made, the data will be saved on the User’s end device (use of the Website will automatically save Cookies on the User’s end device).
- The data saved on the User’s end device do not alter the configuration on the User’s end device or software installed on said device.
- Cookies information is also applicable to other similar technologies used by the Website.
Final provisions
§ 4.
- The Policy is accepted by the Owner and takes effect on the date of 25-05-2018. Changes to Policy content are subject to the same standards.
- Any exceptions from the Policy require written form under the penalty of being invalid.
- The law governing the Policy is the Law of the Republic of Poland.
- Matters not regulated by the Policy are subject to appropriate provisions of the law.