Furniture industry

Street furniture

Construction industry

Interior design

Coloured glass
Toughened glass
Exceptional durability, which makes it extremely safe, is achieved thanks to special thermal processing conducted in the temperature of around 640 and up to 740ºC. Hot panels are rapidly cooled down with the stream of cold air which changes its properties. Toughened glass suppliers offer cut to size solutions with universal application.

Check out our frameless doors
Modernity and at the same time classic elegance combined in one unique product. They employ innovative solutions based on creative design of public as well as private space. Use of frameless glass doors ensures, however, not only very elegant look, but also fantastic acoustic and thermal insulation.

Glass railings offer
The popular opinion is that this material can be characterized by its delicacy. However, through proper processing it gains new functional characteristics, which is why it can be safely used in public space. This products are not only a perfect decorative element, but also ensure high level of safety. Created from toughened or laminated glass do not become dangerous even after being damaged.
Cheap large mirrors
Their decorative potential is appreciated by professional interior designers, who very frequently use them especially in smaller rooms. Cheap large mirrors not only optically enlarge a given space raising the visual comfort, but also fantastically cooperate with modern lighting (especially LED) solutions.
Laminated glass
As a result of special processing, based on sticking together of panels with at least one intermediate layer of special PVB foil, conducted under high pressure and in extreme temperatures, laminated glass becomes much safer. The exceptional parameters of this material include also great acoustic insulation and decorative potential.

Wonderfull shower cabins
Shower cabins are the most popular in our houses. It is a material easy to clean, securing high aesthetic level of every bathroom. In production of the transparent cabins with engraved design is used the most often. More and more widely met and used are glass shower cabins created from semitransparent materials, which allows to create more intimacy.

Stylish tables
Stylish, exclusive and modern tables created from glass appear increasingly often in private houses as well as companies and shopping malls. This tables popularity is based first of all on their universal application. Their elegant looks makes them perfect decorative element in the living room, company’s lobby or the waiting room outside the beauty parlor.
Etched glass
It has always been in the center of interest of creative architects and professional interior designers. Depending on the area of application, its unique properties, as well as individual expectations and requirements, various kinds of toughened coloured, etched glass offered by Urbanski are being used. It creates elegant shelving, frameless doors, tables, shower cabins, railings and much more. VSG is applied in all the places, where there is particularly high risk of damage, while the decorative solutions are mainly used in commercial objects and offices but find their place in private space as well.